The program, in which the Murciano Research Institute and Agricultural Development and Food works since 2005, has already registered a total of 18 new varieties of fruit
Murciano Research Institute and Agricultural and Food Development (imide) and Novamed consortium, which groups eight companies, working under a collaboration agreement in a research project on new varieties of stone fruit in Abarán, and currently the behavior of 8,000 new crosses of different varieties (peach, nectarine and Paraguay, among others) is evaluated.
As a result of this improvement program, in which the IMIDA works since 2005, there have been a total of 18 new varieties of fruit.
Novamed IMIDA and develop weekly work sessions to assess the quality of varieties and their adaptation to the demands of different markets.
Based on these characteristics and their suitability for cultivation, it valued the opportunity or not to continue or extend the cultivation of these new varieties.
The Minister of Water, Agriculture and Environment, Adela Martinez-Cacho, accompanied by Director General of Agricultural and Food Innovation, Juana Mulero, visited one of the farms in order to share with entrepreneurs and researchers the evolution of evaluation work and control of new fruit.
The involvement of the sector in this program makes only new varieties are recorded when there is real demand that plantations will be made.
Thus, it is investigated in red peaches, yellow peaches, nectarines white and yellow flesh, Paraguayans white flesh and yellow and nectarines (Paraguayans with skin nectarine), focusing much of the efforts to obtain varieties of early harvest with good organoleptic characteristics .
Martinez-Cacho said that "from the regional government we are firmly committed research as essential to become more competitive and reach new markets key."
The Minister of Water, Agriculture and Environment added that "it is necessary that the transfer goes hand in hand research to reach producers, who are bearing the fruit of the region throughout the world."
Source: CARM