On November 18, 2010 the Court of Administrative No 5 of Murcia, in the special procedure for violation of Fundamental Rights has ruled 346/2.010 where the report of the Prosecutor acknowledged the existence of abuse, has Mayor stated that Abarán, Antonio Eugenio Gómez Gómez and Personal Councilman José Gómez Carrasco, were responsible and promoters of a situation of serious harassment to an official Abarán City Council for almost three years.
Following the instructions of the Mayor and City Council Personnel officer turned away to his job at the Municipal Technical Office Management Technician, he was transferred to another building separated from his companions, he was not ascribe any work (except four reports ) for three years and a half day emptying functions (pulling the money from the taxpayer to pay a salary for not doing any work), was confiscated and recorded his work computer illegally entering into his intimacy, and finally , was opened disciplinary proceedings to expel the City, based on the supposed contents of the PC, no other reason than not being agreeable to the interest of the bullies.
According to the Secretary General of the Regional Union of the Vega del Segura de UGT, Teodoro Canovas "triggered the situation of harassment and abuse were reports that the officer performed before the City Council and District Attorney, in the year 2,007, about alleged irregularities in receipt of remuneration (almost thirty million pesetas) allegedly committed by protected persons and protected by the present Corporation, which are currently under investigation in the Courts of Cieza.
Source: UGT Región de Murcia