The project's main objective is to incorporate the principle of equality in all programs and activities carried out since the local administration strengthening municipal structure based on this principle for the furthering of better human resource management and better care needs and demands of citizens
Abarán Mayor, Antonio Eugenio Gomez and Councilwoman Women's Isabel Carrasco, I presented the Municipal Plan for Equal Opportunities between women and men 2011-2014, as part of Women's Week.
This action is intended to implement the principle of equality, both in the domestic context of the City as an organization and in all its areas of expertise: employment, reconciliation of work, family and staff, culture, sports, health and quality of life.
The presentation was also attended by the spokesman of the government team, José Gabriel Cano Montoro.
Antonio Eugenio Gómez referred to this plan as a "tool for the proper functioning of the institutions and the full development of people."
He stressed that "the municipalities are the main reflection of social change as is necessary the implementation of equality policies within the local government from a strategic reference framework setting out objectives, actions and priorities in each area of ​​intervention, aimed at fully integrating the principle of equal opportunities between women and men in relation to the management, organization and activities. "
"Abarán City Council, mindful of the obstacles to achieving full equality between men and women actively working to develop a more just and equal society for all people who comprise it," he said.
The mayor of the municipality said that the development of this project is a call to the involvement and collaboration of all entities and agents who carry out their work in the locality. "
For its part, Isabel Carrasco explained that "this action plan's main objective is to incorporate the principle of equality in all programs and activities carried out since the local administration for favoring better management of human resources and better care of the needs and demands of citizens, through the institutional support of the now defunct Institute for Women in the Region of Murcia. "
He said that "the integration of gender perspectives in municipal policies and the creation of an Equality Commission are some of the actions envisaged in this project is presented as a working tool which has seven areas: Administration and Equal; Reconciling family / personal, social participation, quality of life and health egalitarian values ​​in education, culture and sports and employment training and, finally, gender violence.
He stated that the main objectives and actions of each of these areas have a common goal "to achieve a more cohesive society and identified with the city and eradicate discrimination and biased decisions."
The councilman added that "the powers of the City Council on equal opportunities focus on the promotion, programming, counseling and evaluation of policies for equality between women and men in their respective territorial areas of action, the adoption of measures to raise awareness prevention, comprehensive care and protection of victims of gender violence, the program design or planning on gender equality and the mechanisms for monitoring, evaluation and control. "
Isabel Carrasco said that "I Plan Municipal Opportunities between Women and Men Abarán, which are involved all the departments, and to recognize the diversity and expand opportunities to ensure the culture of equality and act in different fields at once : family, work, public institutions, related to the media and others. "
"The Law 7 / 2007 which calls for the performance by the established period (2011 - 2014) encouraged to use it to achieve equality in our society, thereby contributing to their development and growth," he said.
The City publishes a manual of good practices on the use of inclusive language
Among the objectives of the City Council notes the review of language used in the municipal administration as one of the things to take into account to achieve equality between women and men.
For this reason, the Department of Women, through the Equality Authority has developed a manual to equip the local administration of a basic and useful tool for the development of its work to draft documents for reviewing and incorporating a egalitarian language and free of gender stereotypes, thus promoting the presence and participation of women in society.
This manual has been distributed to municipal offices, consists of 35 pages that explain in detail the forms of writing, writing and expression for the proper use of inclusive language.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Abarán