The councilman of Culture of the City, Isabel Carrasco, speaks at the opening of this conference, whose inaugural lecture will be hosted by José Molina Carrasco Simeon, official historian of the town, the presentation of the book of poetry by Gil Rogelio Serna, "The color of the word "will close this first encounter with history Abarán
Abaraneros Studies Center held from 21 to 31 March, the VI course "Abarán: an approach to reality," which will open next Monday with the participation of the Councillor for Culture of City Hall, Isabel Carrasco.
The inaugural lecture will be hosted by José Molina Carrasco Simeon, official historian of the town, a talk will be on "The color and flavor of the innermost."
Also, the presentation of the poetry book by Roger Gil Serna, "The color of the word" close this first encounter with the history of Abarán.
Rounding out the program of events other four lectures and two panel discussions as well as the retrospective exhibition of paintings and pyrography Gil and Salvador Martínez Serna and the exhibition "Toys for our children", coordinated by Face Gómez, Pilar Villalba, Trinidad Gómez and Elizabethan Gómez.
Abarán Mayor, Antonio Eugenio Gómez, will close this conference on Thursday March 31 after a talk on Thomas Gomez (Velasco).
All lectures take place at the Guerrero Theater Mendoza (CIMA Building, c / David Temple, 54) at 21.30h.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Abarán