The Youth Council Abarán City Council, in collaboration with the Institute for Youth in the Region of Murcia, has scheduled a series of free workshops and activities for young people that are taking place at the Cultural Center Plaza and in the slums of San José Artesano, Virgen del Oro and Hoya del Campo.
Among these activities are proposed hiking routes through different areas of the region, which are held the fourth Sunday of each month.
The next meeting will be on Sunday March 22 with a route depart Darrax and White Castle.
The excursion will include an expert guide in the Ricote Valley, Jesus Joaquin Lopez Moreno, a member of the Cultural Association The Carrahila.
The expedition will depart from the Plaza de la Zarzuela at 8:30 am in the morning.
If you want to join, just bring appropriate footwear, water and a sandwich.
See you there!
Source: Ayuntamiento de Abarán