City Council Abarán]
R odeada of their immediate families, friends and members of the Municipal Corporation, Amanda Cano abaranera athlete has received this recognition by HE noon.
Abarán City Council on behalf of all its citizens.
The event was chaired by the mayor of the municipality, Antonio Eugenio Gómez, and the Councillor for Sports, Federico Garcia, who were accompanied by David Hurtado and Jose Antonio Carrillo, coach and president respectively of the Club UCAM Athlé Cieza where Amanda competes.
The mayor congratulated the champion and highlighted, on behalf of all abaraneros, its enormous satisfaction to have among us an athlete the likes of Amanda, Champion of Spain in the 10-km march at junior.
"It gives us satisfaction, as a people and a corporation, having a representative of this entity, human and sports, which is carrying the name of Abarán by different parts of Spain," he said.
Antonio E.
Gomez has put the athlete 'as a role model for all young people who play sports abaraneros', has highlighted his work, sacrifice and daily effort to achieve major goals, and encouraged to continue down this path.
"Keep up this great record that already have, continues to reap success and taking the name of Abarán to the top of the sports tops."
The champion has received below, from the mayor, a subject with the coat of Abarán 'in recognition of his sporting career and his work in promoting the city through sport. "
The mayor has also had words of praise to another local athlete, Saorin Alberto Cano, who on Sunday took part in the trial of 12 km (senior level) of the 92 edition of the Championship of Spain from cross 2010 (Cross Country) which took place in La Coruna.
"He is also an example for abaraneros," added Antonio Eugenio.
For its part, Amanda pointed out that when he reached the goal he felt a great satisfaction for having done a good race, but without being conscious yet of what had been achieved.
"This gold medal is the prize for the record"
The coach, David Hurtado, Amanda has featured their daily work and their perseverance: "That work is rewarded, first with the improvement of the brand, and, where appropriate, improving your personal brand has allowed it to be Champion of Spain and get the gold medal. "
"Amanda is a young athlete (15 years), and only time we will raise short-term goals to keep improving.
We will keep working, and from there we will address long-term goals, "concluded by saying the coach of the young athlete Abarán.
Source: Abarán en 7 Días